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"Lay Down For Ukraine" Demonstration

Two months of war in Ukraine took way too many innocent lives. On the 29th of April we held a "Lay Down For Ukraine" demonstration at the Copley Square in Boston to show our support for those who were suffering and bring the world’s attention to the crimes that were being done in Ukraine.

"Lay Down For Ukraine"
by Vitali Petsiuk

I was inspired by the videos of the protest that took place in Poland where thousands of people gathered to lay down to represent the amount of people that died in Ukraine.

Ukrainian community in Boston and our allies were asked to prepare posters that brought attention to the crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine.

We started off by singing Ukrainian anthem, and giving speeches about the current situation in Ukraine. As everyone was asked to lay down, the audio track with the sounds of the air defence sirens and explosions filled the square for 20 minutes.

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